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File:Mussolini War Declaration 1940.jpg

When the "Duce" decided to meddle in the World War (June 8th, 1940)

Benito Amilcare Andrea Mussolini (* July 29th 1883 in Dovia di Predappio, Province of Forlì) is Il "Duce" del Fascismo („Leader of Fascism“) since 1921 - although he used to be a radical Socialist and made friendships with later Antifascists - and Dictator at the top of the fascist Regime in the kingdom of Italy since 1925. Additionally, he held and holds diverse Minister posts - Interior minister, Foreign minister, Africa minister, and currently minister of war.

He claims that Italy was a "prisoner in the Mediterranean" and had to break the chains of Great Britain and France's control, so they and Egypt, Greece, and Turkey, would need to be faced - to take Corsica, Cyprus, Gibraltar, Malta, the Suez Canal, and Tunisia.

His government[]

On October 28th of 1922, he had forced the King Vittorio Emmanuele III with his "March on Rome" to make him the Minister president. In the soon-done elections, the Fascist party gained just a quarter of the votes, but two thirds of the Mandates, hence could reign unimpedimented. Mussolini now turned Italy into a corporatist-totalitarian State.

In 1929, Mussolini ended the conflict between the National state of Italy and the Pope with the Lateran treaties, and thus created Vatican City, to get support by the Catholics. He even had his Kids and himself baptized.

In 1930, he started a huge project, the drainage of the Pontine Swamps, to fight Malaria and get new land, on which he could found new cities - Littoria, Sabaudia, Pontinia, Aprilia, and Pomezia. At the West coast of Sardinia, he had the city Mussolinia di Sardegna (OTL Arborea) founded. He also had his capital of Rome redesigned, with many new courts and wide streets, to better control the population.

He had the colony of Libya "pacified", which included aerial attacks with chemical Weapons and the use of concentration camps for 100,000 natives, of which one Half died there.

It is claimed that he made the trains run on time; truth is, even before his Regime, improvements of the railroad system were started, and there are still many delays on the tracks the tourists don't use.

Under his rule, Football/soccer officially was renamed to calcio and the claim made that the game had been invented in Florence of the 16th century.

Even Christmas celebrations aren't untouched, since 1928 on January 6th the Befana fascista is being celebrated in Italy: A charity event organised by the fascist Party centered on the witch Befana from folk belief, during which poor Kids get gifts.

The Regime makes a veritable cult of Mussolini: In the 1920s, he's supposed to be the most photographed Man in history. He is put in scene as a Rider, Flyer, Fencer, Tennis player, Swimmer and Skier - sometimes reminding of opera.

The Italian Jews weren't discriminated or persecuted initially, some even became members of his Party, even some thousand German Jews were let in, OTOH the Antisemites among the Fascists are tolerated as well. But since 1938, first the foreign and later the native Jews were discriminated against.

See also: Cabinet Benito Mussolini

Alliance with Nazi Germany[]

Originally, he didn't think very highly of the Nazis in Germany, even called them "Murderers and Pederasts", and supported the Austrian Dictator Dollfus against Nazi Germany.

But then he approached the latter, when the Western Allies condemned his Expansionism into Abyssinia (but without doing something that would've stopped him). In the Spanish Civil War, the Axis Powers already supported Francisco Franco together. It was Mussolini himself who coined the term "Axis Rome-Berlin".

In 1938, he won the eternal Friendship of the "Führer", when he supported him with the "Anschluss" of Austria. On April 7th in 1939, he had Albania occupied by Italian Troops and annexed it soon after. In May 1939, he also made a Military alliance with Adolf Nazi, the pact of Steel.

During World War II[]

Still, he stayed "non-belligerent", when World War II broke out. At this time, his Regime was already in a crisis, both the Masses and the old Elites were against it. Even the convinced Fascist Italo Balbo attacked him, calling him a bootlicker of the "Führer".

On the 8th of June in 1940 (three days later than promised), the "Duce" finally declared war against Britain and France, encouraged by the Wehrmacht's successes.

The "Duce"[]

In Contrast to Adolf Nazi, he "devours files" and claims of himself to have worked on almost two Million bureaucratic acts during seven years.

Although he acts anti-intellectually, he's read several Books, e.g. by Georges Sorel, Henri Bergson, Gustave Le Bon, Vilfredo Pareto, Platon, Max Stirner and Friedrich Nietzsche. He speaks English and French fluently, but not German (although he claims to do so).

In 1910, he started a relationship with then 19-year-old Rachele Guidi, daughter of the life partner of his father, marrying her in 1915. With her, he had his Kids Edda, Vittorio, Bruno, Romano, and Anna Maria. Also, he has the Son Benito Albino from his short marriage to Ida Dalser (whom he had committed to an insane asylum in 1926), but doesn't acknowledge him. Additionally, he had two mistresses, his Biographer Margherita Sarfatti and since 1936 Clara Petacci.

In 1939, he made his son-in-law Gian Galeazzo Ciano foreign minister.

Because of his bad health, he almost exclusively lives on pasta, Milk and Fruits and abstains from Alcohol and cigarettes.

Flag of Germany (1935–1945) How many Sixes does Adolf Nazi have to Roll? Naval Ensign of Japan
The ultimate "Nazis win! How to beat 'em now?" Timeline
Timeline | Countries | Cities | ‎What is new? (26/1/2023)
Nazi Germany: Adolf Nazi  / Flag of the NSDAP (1920–1945) Nazi Party  /National Socialism

(Protectorate  / General Government)
(Coat of arms of Berlin Berlin  / Muenchen Kleines Stadtwappen Munich  / Coat of arms of Hamburg Hamburg)

Cabinet: Göring  / Goebbels  / Speer  / Bormann
War: ‎Wehrmacht | Raeder | Manstein | Guderian | Rommel | Dönitz
 ... SS  // Himmler  // Heydrich  // Eichmann  // KZs
Scientists: Zuse  / von Braun  / Hahn  / Heisenberg
In Southern Europe: Flag of Italy (1861–1946) Italy  / Flag of Spain (1938–1945) Spain  / Flag of Philippe Pétain, Chief of the French State Vichy France

Mussolini (Cabinet)  / Franco  / Pétain  / Laval

Resistance: Abwehr | ‎Canaris | Oster | Blaskowitz | Schindler
In the Far East: Naval Ensign of Japan ‎‎‎Japan (Seal of the Government-General of Korea Chosen Flag of Manchukuo ‎Manchukuo) Hirohito
World War II: (At Sea | In the Air) | Battle of Dunkirk
Allies: Flag of the United States (1912-1959) USA | Flag of the United Kingdom GB (Naval Ensign of the United Kingdom Empire) | Flag of Free France 1940-1944 Free France | Flag of the Republic of China China
Leaders: Roosevelt (Cabinet) | Churchill (Cabinet) | de Gaulle | ‎Chiang
War: US Army | MacArthur | Eisenhower |‎ Patton
Resisting: ‎‎British India (Gandhi | Nehru) | Dutch East Indies | Palestine
Scientists: Einstein | Teller | Fermi | Oppenheimer

Turing | von Neumann | Wiener

Communism: Flag of the Soviet Union Soviet Union | Stalin | CPSU ...   ...   ... Trotsky
War: Red Army | Zhukov | Timoshenko
Partisans: Mao | Kim | Ho | Tito
Thinkers: Orwell | Popper | Canetti | Haffner | Jung | Rand | Mandelbrot | Student
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