Cool Cat Saves the Kids

Cool Cat: The Kids Superhero!

Derek Savage.

Another of Derek's critics, James (Odd1sOut), made a cover for Bible Birdie, another Derek Savage series. Derek himself approved and struck a partnership with him. This is the finished version. James is now working on illustrating Donny the Dinosaur, another of Derek's series.
Derek announcing Cool Cat: The Kids Superhero.

On November 6th, 2015, Alex Beltman (I Hate Everything) reviewed Cool Cat Saves the Kids. Like other Cool Cat reviews, Derek Savage, Cool Cat's creator, responded kindly and recut the film even more (he re-cut the film earlier in 2015 in response to Adam Johnston's review) in a $75,000 Kickstarter campaign and an $85,000 IndieGoGo campaign, with five more celebrities including Cynthia Rothrock, Adam West, Bo Derek, Willie Nelson, and Henry Winkler, and renamed the film Cool Cat: The Kids Superhero, with limited theatrical releases in Los Angeles and Las Vegas in June and July 2016, respectively, with TV and print campaigns. The film also got a Spanish-language track on the DVD.
Derek made and released a sequel called Cool Cat vs. the Wicked Witch in March 2017 after a successful Kickstarter of $100,000, starring Vivica A. Fox as herself and Eden Espinoza as the Witch, and, in July, released Cool Cat Saves the School, which Derek got the inspiration for when he remembered Butch the Bully holding a gun in CCKS, and also starring Vivica, Mumkey Jones, and Adam Johnston, after another successful IndieGoGo of $95,000, and, after another successful Kickstarter of $2,500,000, released Cool Cat Loves You, with Vivica and Erik, alongside a video called Cool Cat Stranger Danger Alert, and two web shows: Cool Talk with Cool Cat and Cool Cat's Cooking for Kids. Adam cameoed in Gun Self-Denfense for Women, Derek's later film, and its edit, Gun Self-Defense for Ladies, which Alex also had a voice-over role in. As an added bonus, Derek also did a successful IndieGoGo of $500,000 on two medical marijuana-related films: a documentary called Medical Marijuana: Does it Work? and a drama called I Have Cancer: A Medical Marijuana Story, and is planning three other films called The Dancer: A Male Stripper Story, The Second Coming, and Sweet Revenge, the former two based on books he wrote.
Adam Johnston

Alex Beltman