Dwight David „Ike“ Eisenhower (* October 14th, 1890 in Denison, Texas, as David Dwight Eisenhower) is a commander of the US Army.
His ancestors can trace their origin back to a Nicolaus Eisenhauer, who emigrated from the Grafschaft (county) of Saarbrücken to Pennsylvania in 1741.
In 1911, Eisenhower went to West Point, New York, which he finished in 1915. In the First World War, he was one of the most important trainers of the new US tank troops. Shortly after the World War, he he became known for his thoughts about improving the road network to better cross the North American continent with modern mechanised units. Also, he became friends with the later General George S. Patton.
1933 to 1935, he was Chief Military Aide of General Douglas MacArthur, whom he accompanied as Military advisor to the Philippines in 1935. Until 1939, he was assistant Military advisor of the Philippine government. Eisenhower, who had been promoted to Lieutenant Colonel in 1936, had strong disagreements with MacArthur, which would last for longer.
He had six Brothers: Arthur, Edgar, Roy, Paul, Earl, and Milton. Originally, they all had the nickname "Ike".
In 1916, while stationed in Texas, he married Mamie Geneva Doud (* 1896), with whom he had two Sons. The older one, Doud Dwight Eisenhower (1917–1921), died very young from Scarlet fever. The younger one, John Sheldon Doud Eisenhower (* 1922), wants to go to West Point like his father.