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File:Bundesarchiv Bild 183-H01757, Erich von Manstein.jpg

Fritz Erich von Lewinski, named von Manstein (* November 24th 1887 in Berlin) is a Veteran of the First World War and lieutenant General of the Wehrmacht.

On the "Führer"'s birthday on April 20th of 1939, he praised Adolf Nazi as a leader sent by God. OTOH, he spoke against introducing the "Aryan" paragraph in the army in 1934, as the only Officer of the Reichswehr.

He also proposed a panzer alternative: the development of Sturmgeschütze (StuG), self-propelled assault guns that would provide heavy direct-fire support to infantry. In 1936, Daimler-Benz AG was given the order to develop and produce such a weapon.

Franz Halder strongly dislikes him.

The Scythe Plan[]

In October 1939, the Oberkommando des Heeres (OKH) worked out a Plan for the ordered offensive in the West, which reminded of the Schlieffen Plan, which had failed in the First World War already, with a strong right wing moving through Flanders. Manstein, then-chief of Staff of the Heeresgruppe A, saw the danger that this would lead to a long trench war. Hence, Manstein suggested an alternative to his superior Gerd von Rundstedt on October 31st in 1939, inofficially cooperating with Heinz Guderian. Among the Generals, Manstein wasn't very popular, because he let others feel that he considered himself very intelligent and extraordinarily able. The chief of the General staff of the Heer Franz Halder feared that Rundstedt might agree with the risky Plan. That's why he removed Manstein from his Position.

Meanwhile, the original campaign plan of the OKH had become known to the Allies because of the Mechelen incident, and Rudolf Schmundt, Aide-de-camp of the "Führer", had learned of Manstein's plans while visiting Koblenz. So he arranged a meeting with the "Führer". On February 17th in 1940, Manstein came to Berlin and met Adolf Nazi for the first time in person. Afterwards, he was asked by him about his opinion regarding an Offensive against France. The "Führer" finally decided to use the Scythe Plan, and ordered to change Plans accordingly.

The term "Scythe Plan" was coined later, by Winston Churchill.[1]

Private Life[]

Manstein was the tenths and youngest Kid of the later General Eduard von Lewinski with his wife Helene, nee von Sperling. Since the marriage of his aunt Hedwig, the younger Sister of his Mother with a Major Georg von Manstein had stayed childless, the Newborn was after his baptizing given to them as had been agreed and adopted by them.

In 1920, he married Jutta Sibylle von Loesch. Together, they have the daughter Gisela (* 1921) and two Sons, Gero (* 1922) and Rüdiger (* 1929).

Flag of Germany (1935–1945) How many Sixes does Adolf Nazi have to Roll? Naval Ensign of Japan
The ultimate "Nazis win! How to beat 'em now?" Timeline
Timeline | Countries | Cities | ‎What is new? (26/1/2023)
Nazi Germany: Adolf Nazi  / Flag of the NSDAP (1920–1945) Nazi Party  /National Socialism

(Protectorate  / General Government)
(Coat of arms of Berlin Berlin  / Muenchen Kleines Stadtwappen Munich  / Coat of arms of Hamburg Hamburg)

Cabinet: Göring  / Goebbels  / Speer  / Bormann
War: ‎Wehrmacht | Raeder | Manstein | Guderian | Rommel | Dönitz
 ... SS  // Himmler  // Heydrich  // Eichmann  // KZs
Scientists: Zuse  / von Braun  / Hahn  / Heisenberg
In Southern Europe: Flag of Italy (1861–1946) Italy  / Flag of Spain (1938–1945) Spain  / Flag of Philippe Pétain, Chief of the French State Vichy France

Mussolini (Cabinet)  / Franco  / Pétain  / Laval

Resistance: Abwehr | ‎Canaris | Oster | Blaskowitz | Schindler
In the Far East: Naval Ensign of Japan ‎‎‎Japan (Seal of the Government-General of Korea Chosen Flag of Manchukuo ‎Manchukuo) Hirohito
World War II: (At Sea | In the Air) | Battle of Dunkirk
Allies: Flag of the United States (1912-1959) USA | Flag of the United Kingdom GB (Naval Ensign of the United Kingdom Empire) | Flag of Free France 1940-1944 Free France | Flag of the Republic of China China
Leaders: Roosevelt (Cabinet) | Churchill (Cabinet) | de Gaulle | ‎Chiang
War: US Army | MacArthur | Eisenhower |‎ Patton
Resisting: ‎‎British India (Gandhi | Nehru) | Dutch East Indies | Palestine
Scientists: Einstein | Teller | Fermi | Oppenheimer

Turing | von Neumann | Wiener

Communism: Flag of the Soviet Union Soviet Union | Stalin | CPSU ...   ...   ... Trotsky
War: Red Army | Zhukov | Timoshenko
Partisans: Mao | Kim | Ho | Tito
Thinkers: Orwell | Popper | Canetti | Haffner | Jung | Rand | Mandelbrot | Student
Meta: Conditions | Probs and PoDs | Questions | Quotes | Tropes | Glossary
  1. In OTL, this plan became known as the "Sicklecut Plan".