The new borders, with the General Government in the center
The Generalgouvernement (the old name of "Poland" is avoided by the Nazis) comprises the Polish areas which were annexed neither by Nazi Germany nor the Soviet Union, after Poland had capitulated. It was... established on the 26th of October 1939. It's ruled by Hans Frank, "Reichsrechtsführer" and former lawyer of Adolf Nazi, who resides in Krakow. His vice is Arthur Seyß-Inquart.
The country is neither a State, nor an organised colony (in fact, it's deliberately left desorganized), nor owner-less Land, but a lawless area (officially: "Nebenland"), where the SS can do, whatever they like. The locals (who don't collaborate) get Rations of no more than 600 calories per day. Except for the Jews who get less than 200. It's not surprising that there is a flourishing black market, with Nazis participating too. Generally, many Nazis use the opportunity to plunder. Any kind of resistance can result in the capital punishment.