Manchukuo, formerly known as Manchuria, is a Japanese Satellite state. The Japanese had invaded in 1931 after the Mukden incident, separated the land from China, and installed a Marionette regime under Puyi, the deposed last Chinese emperor. Since 1934 he's been allowed to call himself emperor again (using the Name Kang-te), but barely a state outside the Axis Powers recognizes that, not even Vatican City. Similar as the tenno in Japan, he's revered as a living god: At the beginning of every school day, schoolchildren in Manchukuo have to kowtow first in the direction of Tokyo and then to a portrait of Puyi in the classroom. His "palace" in the new capital Changchun, which was renamed Hsinking, is located in the rooms of a former tax office - hence, the Salt Tax Palace. His Prime Minister is former warlord Chang Ching-hui, who bears the unfortunate nickname of "Tofu Prime Minister". Kwantung Army senior staff officer Yoshioka Yasunori who was assigned to Puyi as Attaché to the Imperial Household has the real power.
"Emperor" Kang-te
More than half a Million Japanese have settled in the State (it's planned to rise their number to five Millions in 1956), who decide about everything in Practice. They rule over several dozen Millions (estimates go from 31 to 43 millions in 1940) of Chinese, 2.4 million Manchus, Koreans, and other Minorities. But even before the Invasion, Japanese had infiltrated the land, especially the infamous ultra-nationalist Black Dragon Society.
The Ressources of the Land (mostly coal and iron ore) now are exploited for Japan. Many peasants have been expropriated by the Japanese and received just a fifth of the value of their land as compensation. Some fields were turned into Opium plantations - before World War II, 90% of the Opium consumed world-wide came from here. In fact, under the Japanese 5% of the whole population became opium addicts.
There's a Minority of exiled Russians who had fled from Communism after the October Revolution. Some of them have organised in the (All-)Russian Fascist Party, who collaborates with the Japanese.
Unit 731 is active here as well and does "experiments" with humans, in which living humans are vivisectioned and poisoned with chemical and/or biological weapons.
1939, the Nomonhan incident at the Mongol border happened here, when the 6th Japanese Army fought against Soviet-Mongol Troops and suffered a surprising defeat.
There were resistance movements with ten thousands of fighters, but meanwhile all of them have been defeated by the Kwantung Army stationed here, or had to flee to Siberia.
Nearby Satellite state Meng-chiang under Mongol Prince Demchugdongrub isn't part of it.
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Empire of Japan | |||
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Claimed / In Planning | |||
Indonesia | India / Azad Hind | Ceylon | China | Australia | New Zealand | Hawaii | Alaska | Central America |
The ultimate "Nazis win! How to beat 'em now?" Timeline | |
Timeline | Countries | Cities | What is new? (26/1/2023) | |
Nazi Germany: | Adolf Nazi / (Protectorate / General Government) |
Cabinet: | Göring / Goebbels / Speer / Bormann |
War: | Wehrmacht | Raeder | Manstein | Guderian | Rommel | Dönitz |
... | SS // Himmler // Heydrich // Eichmann // KZs |
Scientists: | Zuse / von Braun / Hahn / Heisenberg |
In Southern Europe: | ![]() |
Resistance: | Abwehr | Canaris | Oster | Blaskowitz | Schindler |
In the Far East: | |
World War II: | (At Sea | In the Air) | Battle of Dunkirk |
Allies: | |
Leaders: | Roosevelt (Cabinet) | Churchill (Cabinet) | de Gaulle | Chiang |
War: | US Army | MacArthur | Eisenhower | Patton |
Resisting: | British India (Gandhi | Nehru) | Dutch East Indies | Palestine |
Scientists: | Einstein | Teller | Fermi | Oppenheimer Turing | von Neumann | Wiener |
Communism: | |
War: | Red Army | Zhukov | Timoshenko |
Partisans: | Mao | Kim | Ho | Tito |
Thinkers: | Orwell | Popper | Canetti | Haffner | Jung | Rand | Mandelbrot | Student |
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