Official German flag since 1933, exclusively since 1935
Since 1933, Adolf Nazi and his Nazi Party had the whole power in Germany. Rivals for power - Ernst Röhm, Blomberg, Fritsch - were executed or pushed away. 1938, he added his former homeland of Austria and the Sudetenland to the Reich, proclaimed the "Großdeutsches Reich" (Greater German Reich). 1939, the Memel land was added. In the first years, he was still able to deceive the Western Allies - Great Britain under Chamberlain and France under Daladier - into thinking they might avoid war if only they gave in to his demands. But when he occupied remaining Czechia in the spring of 1939 and turned it into the "Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia", it became obvious that he wouldn't stop. The country is the leading one among the Axis Powers.
For the Jews, life in Germany was made harder and harder, systematically. The "Nuremberg [Racial] Laws" divided the Germans into "Aryans" and "Full/Half/Quarter Jews", and forbade marriages and relationships of "Aryans" with Jews, "Gypsies", "Negroes", and their "Bastards". On the 9th of November 1938, the excesses of the Reichspogromnacht happened.
The World War[]
On the 1st of September 1939, World War II started with the surprise attack on Poland. The Wehrmacht managed some quick victories thanks to their Blitzkrieg strategy. But the Soviet Union under Joseph Stalin used the opportunity too - the Western Allies were busy with Germany - and expanded its area.
Currently (June 1940), the war is still going on.
The ultimate "Nazis win! How to beat 'em now?" Timeline | |
Timeline | Countries | Cities | What is new? (26/1/2023) | |
Nazi Germany: | Adolf Nazi / (Protectorate / General Government) |
Cabinet: | Göring / Goebbels / Speer / Bormann |
War: | Wehrmacht | Raeder | Manstein | Guderian | Rommel | Dönitz |
... | SS // Himmler // Heydrich // Eichmann // KZs |
Scientists: | Zuse / von Braun / Hahn / Heisenberg |
In Southern Europe: | ![]() |
Resistance: | Abwehr | Canaris | Oster | Blaskowitz | Schindler |
In the Far East: | |
World War II: | (At Sea | In the Air) | Battle of Dunkirk |
Allies: | |
Leaders: | Roosevelt (Cabinet) | Churchill (Cabinet) | de Gaulle | Chiang |
War: | US Army | MacArthur | Eisenhower | Patton |
Resisting: | British India (Gandhi | Nehru) | Dutch East Indies | Palestine |
Scientists: | Einstein | Teller | Fermi | Oppenheimer Turing | von Neumann | Wiener |
Communism: | |
War: | Red Army | Zhukov | Timoshenko |
Partisans: | Mao | Kim | Ho | Tito |
Thinkers: | Orwell | Popper | Canetti | Haffner | Jung | Rand | Mandelbrot | Student |
Meta: | Conditions | Probs and PoDs | Questions | Quotes | Tropes | Glossary |