The DifferentHistory Wiki founder himself, TbombTheAltHistorian, the one protected by the TPF.
The Tbomb Protection Force is as the name says, the protector of the founder, Tbomb. The TPF does also ban users if warranted. The TPF is a highly dedicated force and will report any incidents of abuse and/or unfair banning straight to Tbomb himself. This Wiki will allow you to feel comfortable. The TPF is a fair group, and it's only goal is to ban (IF NECESSARY) and protect Tbomb from threats. TPF members are to notify the owner when they ban a user, so the owner may go over it with both the user and admin. Enjoy your time at DifferentHistory Wikia. The TPF's main areas of focus are:
- Protection of Tbomb, founder of this here wiki.
- Discussions on important issues.
- Tbomb and staff discussions on edits to the wiki.
- Users' suggestions.
- Important discussions on the stability of the wiki.
Tbomb Protection Force is not associated with, nor to be confused with, the Time Stream Protection Force of Althistory, who love to use staff to abuse users' rights and shut down timr lines that do not fit thire colective point of view. We do not operate on anywhere near the same as the TSPF.